Youth Career Center Services – Access

Description of Services:
In partnership with the San Diego Workforce Partnership Access empowers youth to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers throughout San Diego County. The goal is to find the intersection between what youth love to do, what they can be paid for, what employers need, and the education, training and support they need along their career pathway. Opportunity Youth programs are centered on helping youth align their interests and skills with education, training, and jobs.
Based on individual goals, interests, and circumstances, youth are supported in attaining high-school diplomas, enrolling in post-secondary education and/or occupational/technical skills training and designing plans to prepare for their selected career pathways. Services are provided in partnership with San Diego County Office of Education, community colleges and universities, and other providers that assist youth obtain post-secondary degrees and/or industry-recognized certifications. To increase work experience and skills, youth participate in employability training, internships, and supportive job opportunities that help them take the first steps to a successful career.
- Ages 14-24
- Unemployed or underemployed
- In School or Out of school
- Identifies having a barrier to employment and/or low income
Youth aged 16-24 who are out of school, not in training or not working; and/or have experienced one or more of the following challenges are welcome to join with the team of dedicated Access staff to chart the course of a new future. Youth with experiences such as previous incarceration, gang affiliation, substance abuse, pregnancy/parenting responsibilities, medical or emotional challenges, homelessness, foster care, immigration, and other issues are welcome. Virtually all youth in the program have experienced trauma and continue to be at risk.
Community partners from the San Diego Unified School District, San Diego County Office of Education, San Diego Health and Services Department, probation and other law enforcement entities, and a number of community-based organizations help identify individuals who can benefit from program opportunities. Self-referrals are also welcome.
In collaboration with schools like San Pasqual Academy, San Diego Workforce Innovation High Schools, San Diego County Office of Education, San Diego Unified School District, and San Diego Community College District, Access also provides orientation, work readiness classes, and entry into additional career resources for 14 and 24-year-olds.
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