YMCA Street Outreach

Description of Services:
We are committed to supporting transition-age youth (TAY) who face barriers to success in adulthood, including homelessness, abuse, and more, helping them lead healthy, successful lives. Entering adulthood is a critical developmental period that can be further complicated when a young person lacks a supportive network and faces a multitude of barriers. We offer innovative, effective programming in a safe and welcoming space.
The YMCA Outreach Program is on foot outreach services in prominent homeless communities in Oceanside, is the first access point of the Y’s continuum of services. Outreach workers provide homeless youth with immediate resources and referrals to get off the streets. Through diversion services, homeless youth are able to access safe housing options and/or familial reunification.
- Runaway, homeless, and street youth between the ages of 12-25
- Youth seeking safety in San Diego County
- Provide on-foot outreach and crisis assessment on the streets of North County San Diego.
- Offer snacks, hygiene kits, clothing and other necessities to youth on the streets.
- Work with the youth to offer transportation to shelter and other supportive services.
- Advocate and assist youth through the process of getting off the street and finding a safe place.
For more information about this program, please contact: Edwin Camacho | taysupports@ymcasd.org | (760) 908-9647
For Detailed Information: https://www.ymcasd.org/community-support/ymca-youth-and-family-services/youth-and-young-adult-development/tay-services