YMCA Housing Services
Description of Services:
Emergency Housing Assistance
TAY Services’ Emergency Housing Assistance provides financial support and resources to help youth experiencing housing crisis, in which case management services are offered along with, housing navigation, assistance in rent/rental deposit, and other basic needs.
For more information, please contact: TAY Support Staff | taysupports@ymcasd.org | (760) 908-9373
Overnight Lodging
The TAY Housing Program provides short-term assistance in the form of hotel voucher assistance for victims of crime for North County residents, as well as Transitional housing for runaway and homeless youth, which will help decrease the number of youth sleeping in areas not meant for habitation such as the canyon, under bridges or in cars.
- Young adults ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness or facing the possibility of becoming homeless in the near future.
- Singles, couples, pregnant and parenting are eligible.
- On-site case management and support
- Education and employment assistance
- Development of independent living
- Relational wellness and counseling services
- Financial education and personal budgeting assistance
- After-care support
For more information about this program, please contact April Ortiz | aortiz@ymcasd.org
For Detailed Information: https://www.ymcasd.org/community-support/ymca-youth-and-family-services/youth-and-young-adult-development/tay-services