Oasis Clubhouse
Description of Services:
The Oasis Clubhouse is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm. Members and visitors are welcome to drop in any time during business hours. Tours of the Clubhouse are also available by appointment for visitors or new members. The Oasis Clubhouse is member-run and our dynamic programming targets the unique needs of Transition Age Youth.
Our Services are available to all Transitional Age Youth (TAY) who:
Receive mental health services
Are between 16** and 25 years old
Live anywhere in San Diego County
**(parent or guardian permission is required for those under age 18)
Life Skills Training
Member-Run Oasis Council
Educational Assistance
Job Skills & Development
Peer Mentoring & Support
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Integration Services
Social & Recreational Activities
Mental Health Support & Linkage
Recovery Groups
Community Service Opportunities
Transportation Assistance
For Detailed Information: