Feeding Pets of the Homeless

Description of Services:

Feeding Pets of the Homeless® is the first national nonprofit providing pet food and emergency veterinary care to pets that belong to people experiencing homelessness.


We believe every pet deserves not to be hungry or suffer from an illness or injury.  If you are homeless, or a Veteran, and need help  caring for your pet, we can help. Evidence shows that animal companionship is fortifying and contributes to the emotional well-being of people experiencing homelessness, including encouraging owners to obtain sobriety, leave abusive relationships, and avoid incarceration.

For Detailed Information: https://petsofthehomeless.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgPEzq5_AicwLAHbTx4uEXgnpMfAz95rhn7XTcra919sQNBFJC3nyTAaAtnbEALw_wcB