Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF)

Description of Services:
The Family Law Facilitator’s Office (FLF) provides help at no cost and answers family law questions for people who do not have legal representation. FLF staff includes attorneys, paralegals, and clerks with experience in family law who can help prepare court forms and provide general legal information. The FLF does not assist parents or parties who have an attorney of record on file. The attorneys at the FLF are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party and may provide information and services to all parties in the case. The FLF is a self-help provider and cannot take responsibility for your case and cannot act as your lawyer. Individuals are personally responsible for all aspects of their cases.
Help is provided through walk-in assistance, workshops, and remote assistance. Please be advised that the FLF typically has a very high demand for services and there can be significant wait times. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Important: FLF staff cannot assist you with minor children present. Please see the Children’s Waiting Room information below.
For Detailed Information:
For locations, hours, and other helpful information: