Escondido Education COMPACT

Description of Services:
All of our services are grouped under a program which incorporate one of our five areas of focus: Academic Support, Health & Wellness, Leadership Development, Prevention & Intervention, and Health & Wellness. There are services in each program that serve both youth and adults.
Workforce Development is not only a program component but its our philosophy and practice that career exploration opportunities and work readiness training be available and integrated into each of the components. Under Workforce Development we off the following services:
- Annual Job Shadow Day
- On-Site Work Readiness Training
- On-Site Work Readiness Training
- Career Days
- Career Exploration
Intervention Programs are meant to be a safety net and point of connection for youth that either already justice involved or at high risk for involvement and gives them the support and tools to help them turn back and choose a different path. Under Intervention we offer the following services:
- Youth Court Achievement Center
- Juvenile Diversion Alternatives To Detention
- Tattoo Removal Community Assessment Team
- Psycho-Educational Groups
- Decision Making
- Anger Management
- Substance Abuse
- Emotional Regulation
- Gender Specific Groups
For Detailed Information: