Assurance Wireless

Description of Services:
ACP, successor to the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, was created to provide eligible households with discounted broadband service. Assurance Wireless offers a FREE cell phone and FREE cell phone service, including free Unlimited Monthly Data, Text and Minutes, to qualified customers.
We help households stay connected to jobs, critical healthcare and more.
You may be eligible for ACP if you are enrolled in certain government programs, or if your household income meets federal guidelines.
Assurance Wireless is a federal Lifeline Assistance program. Enrollment is available to individuals who qualify based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria and is non-transferable. You may qualify based on household income or if you or a member of your household participates in certain public assistance programs like Medicaid/Medi-Cal, Food Stamps/SNAP/CalFresh or SSI. You may need to provide proof of income or proof of program participation. The Lifeline Assistance program is available for only one wireless or wireline account per household. Separate households that live at the same address are eligible, including residents of homeless shelters and nursing homes. Residents with temporary addresses are also eligible.
Reasons to choose the Assurance Wireless ACP Plan:
- FREE Monthly Unlimited Texts and Minutes plus Unlimited Data including 25GB High-Speed Data
- FREE Android™ Smartphone
- $0 cell phone bill
- No annual contracts. No activation fees. No worries!
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