New Directions (Casa de Amparo)

Description of Services:
Casa Kids, ages 18 to 25, who are emancipated from or currently in foster care or are probationary youth, can participate in New Directions, a transitional housing program that equips youth with the necessary skills and resources to make a successful transition from foster care to independent living. New Directions include housing and services for emancipated or current youth in foster care who are pregnant and/or parenting.


  • Stable housing, furnishings, and basic necessities
  • Support for overall medical and mental health
  • Employment, education, and career planning
  • Money management
  • Life skills training
  • Relationship mediation
  • Monthly gift cards for groceries and transportation
  • Emancipation funds available upon graduation
  • Optional matched savings program
  • Parenting skill-building for residents with children


For Detailed Information: