Child Abuse Hotline – (Child Welfare Services)

Description of Services: 

Child Abuse Hotline

For more information, or to report suspected child abuse, call 858-560-2191.

Within the State of California, you may call toll-free 1(800) 344-6000.

The Hotline is contacted when a member of the community has a concern regarding potential abuse or neglect of a child. Upon notification of the concern (via phone or fax), the Hotline Social Worker does an immediate assessment of the referral. If the child is determined to be at risk, a social worker is assigned to investigate. Hotline staff are available 24 hours per day.

The Hotline is staffed by trained Social Workers who receive reports from Mandated Reporters and concerned citizens about child abuse and neglect. Reports are logged and assessed to determine if an in-person response is needed. Social Workers use the Structured Decision Making Hotline Assignment tool to determine if the referral with be evaluated out, with no response, or assigned to an Emergency Response Social Worker to initiate an investigation within 24 hours, 5 days, or 10 days. Response time is determined by the reported risk factors.

Additional Information: 
Members of the community who are concerned about a child’s safety, parents who are afraid they may cause harm to their child, or children who believe they are being abused, should contact the Hotline to discuss /report their concerns. Referrals to resources and additional help is provided.  Some individuals are identified by law as Mandated Reporters. Doctors, nurses, social workers, and teachers, for example, must contact authorities if they suspect or are told about child abuse. Please click on this link to see Mandated Reporter Training.

For Detailed Information: